Thomas Merton- New Seeds of Contemplation
Thomas Merton - Seeds of Contemplation Available from Samantha - $18
From the publisher:
If you read nothing else by Merton, read this. Personal, direct, and lucid, it contains some of his most challenging insights into the struggle to find an honest relationship with God and one’s fellow humans.
The book takes a compelling yet thoughtful look at a wide variety of spiritual themes, but is — like most of Merton’s writings — devoid of theorizing. A must for anyone who is ready to seriously reassess the reality and direction of his or her life. But beware: you will not emerge untouched.
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Although I won't be able to participate in the Study Group this Lent, I'm excited to see that Thomas Merton's book has been chosen. While preparing to be confirmed, I read Merton's "Seven Storey Mountain" and "Contemplative Prayer". Then I drove to Merton's monastery, the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky for a one week self-directed retreat. Merton was very much a presence there. Contrary to usual Cistercian tradition, the readings in the rectory were recordings. They were of Thomas Merton himself speaking his own thoughts and reflections.
ReplyDeleteThomas Merton was an interesting and inspiring human being and I'm sure that anyone who undertakes this Lenten Study will gain much to reflect upon, with great benefit to their spiritual path.
Prayerful best wishes. - - - Bettie