Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What to read for today.           
Chapter 13:The Moral Theology of the Devil           

Questions for your personal reflection.
Did you think that Merton was talking about you in this chapter or about someone else?            

Sharing with others: What caught your attention or provoked your thinking today?
When I re-read this chapter I saw a profound warning for us as individuals and as a society.  Or maybe the chapter acts as a mirror reflecting our present condition: It was too easy to find examples of what Merton calls the devil’s theology in our city, country and wider world: a theology of “punishment, hatred and revenge”; the use of God as a means to an end; “actively punishing someone who is different from ourselves”, and the “exaggeration of distinctions [into] irreducible divisions”.   I found myself wondering what difference one individual can make, and feeling very powerless.

Posted by Genevieve


  1. Posted by Second Thoughts

    On a first read I would describe this chapter as opaque. A bit of a rant like William said about other chapters. Plus it was very easy to see how Merton was talking about other people, e.g. I wrote the name of a certain Canadian politician in the margin.

    On my second read, I got beyond the rant and all the devil talk and thought he was making a good point about how people use prayer like some kind of magic. Pray for a nice sunny day. Pray for peace. Pray for social justice or whatever. We do that every Sunday. Merton had a good turn of phrase for this kind of praying -- supereffective wishing.

    What I'm left wondering about is what is Merton's opinion of intercessory prayer then?

  2. I was troubled by the fact that even after a couple of readings -th e devil was coming across like a being- a person- I had real difficulty with that and it may have distorted my view of the type of evil Merton was talking about
    post by william

  3. Given what we've seen of Merton, I don't think he considered the devil to really be a person.I think he was using it as a figure of speech. Wasn't he saying that we get all caught up in taboos and absolute rules and even prayers that we think make a difference when really we are losing sight of what should be at the centre of our lives?

